Distinctive Brand Assets DBAs

Distinctive Brand Assets DBAs

Use the Distinctive Brand Assets that boost your brand.

With our years of experience in Distinctive Brand Assets (DBAs) research, we go beyond explicitly measuring fame and uniqueness (Byron Sharp). Many brands already chose to influence unconscious decision processes (Daniel Kahneman) with distinctive emotions and associations linked to their DBAs. And with advice on Strategic Distinctive Brand Asset Management.

Distinctive Brand Assets DBAs research
Distinctive Brand Assets DBAs

DBA research

Deploy your optimal combination of DBAs at the right communication moment with the DBA Power Booster. Against our unique DBA Benchmark. And continue to deploy your DBAs strategically and competitively with the DBA Power Program. For a powerful brand and great business results.

Want to know more about our Distinctive Brand Assets (DBAs) studies?

Distinctive Brand Assets DBAs

Are you curious about how we can help you with DBA research?

Ed Borsboom
Marketing & Sales Consultant Branding
Ed Borsboom