
Periodically track the developments of your brand and competitors in the category to effectively adjust for growth.

Our brand tracker will give you answers to questions such as:

  • To what extent are your efforts now working toward growth of your brand?
  • In which competitors will you win new buyers?
Brandtracker Blue Research

Brand tracker where consumer behavior is key

We know you prefer to direct the growth pattern of your brand in relation to competitors. At least more than they do. We have demonstrated that growth patterns are predictable. This way, you know where your prospects come from and how to work the entire market for continued growth of your brand.

Our brand tracker focuses on the changing buying behavior of buyers in the category, for your brand and your competitors. The building blocks are the light and heavy buyers per brand and also in the category. This allows you to anticipate in a targeted way.

Whitepaper Brand strategy: 'How Brands Grow' in practice

Download our white paper and learn more about our effective brand growth strategy in 5 steps.

Want to know how we set up a brand tracker for your brand?

Ed Borsboom
Marketing & Sales Consultant Branding
Ed Borsboom