Excelling in customer experience? It starts with effective research
Optimize the Customer Experience (customer experience). This is your number one priority, because customer-centric service and consistent processes not only make the customer happy, it also lifts the organization to a higher level of growth and success.
Optimal customer experience leads to greater success. Enthusiastic customers come back to you more often, are loyal and are only too happy to recommend you. That leads to more happy customers, more brand awareness, more sales, more profit and therefore more success.
We are proud of our customers

Customer Experience
But optimizing the customer experience does not come naturally....
But where do you start? What does the customer experience look like? What are the customer's underlying emotions, needs and motivations? How do you capitalize on them? How do you enthuse employees to take action? And in an efficient and structural way?
With research, you map customer insights
Our experienced Blauw experts offer various smart research methods with which we gather the customer insights you need to optimize the customer experience. We help your organization take immediate and concrete actions to improve the customer experience.
Our Triple Diamond approach:
You want to optimize the customer experience. But what type of research fits that purpose? Our Blauw experts know from years of experience that the most appropriate research solution for an organization depends on the phase you are in. This is why we work with the Triple Diamond Model, in which we distinguish three types of research. In which diamond is your organization's research need?

Diamond 1: Monitoring & Optimization
You want to measure customer feedback in a smart way. Our Blauw experts work with you to set up an ongoing customer satisfaction survey, which we use to collect leads so that you can take immediate action to improve customer satisfaction. Organizations in this phase mainly need quantitative research: seeing numbers, priorities and development. All these insights are converted into concrete actions and plans, with which you lay the foundation for structural improvement of the customer experience.
Diamond 2: Customer Journey Mapping & Driver Discovery
You want to go in depth with qualitative research. Together, we zoom in on a customer journey, process or customer group. Our researchers conduct in-depth interviews with customers. What does the customer's world of experience look like? What are the real customer needs, emotions and motivations? We discover how you can add value for the customer. Organizations in this phase have often already set up a customer satisfaction survey and created a customer-driven mindset. Based on insights and priorities from more in-depth research, you can optimize the customer experience even further.
Diamond 3: Service Design & Testing
Are you working agile or engaged in user experience or design thinking? Or do you have plans to do so? Then you will want to structurally involve customers in the development process, because everything you develop must meet the wishes and needs of the target group. Our experts can jump in every step of the agile process. They can also switch quickly and feed back pragmatic insights in no time, so that you as a team can take further action immediately. Working short-cyclically and iteratively leads to services and functionalities that successfully meet customer needs, but of course you already knew that.
Outside-in development process
From one diamond, with all the insights gathered, you navigate almost automatically to the next diamond. When the circle is complete again, you start over with another customer challenge. It's an outside-in development process that allows you to continuously optimize the customer experience.
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