DBA Power Booster

DBA Power Booster

What Brand Asset combinations do you deploy for what purpose? Your brand's distinctive brand assets not only stand out tremendously, they also evoke the right associations and emotions, thereby prompting desired behavior from buyers in the category.

DBA Power Booster Blue Research
DBA Power Booster

How do you successfully deploy distinctive brand assets?

What marketer doesn't want the power of the yellow M, the three stripes and the swoosh? But how do you build toward that success?

We understand choice stress on the road to distinctive brand assets. And also that a concrete approach is not readily available.

The DBA Benchmark has been developed from our DBA expertise for hundreds of brands. So that you can place your results in the right context. With our recall, recognition, attitude and association modules we make it possible: Strategic Brand Asset Management

  • What combinations do you deploy for what purpose?
  • And how does that work in their context?

Whitepaper Boost your brand with Distinctive Brand Assets

To boost your brand recognition and also brand strength, we have the DBA Benchmark. Read more about it now in our whitepaper:

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DBA Power Booster

Wondering what the DBA Power Booster can do for your brand?

Ed Borsboom
Marketing & Sales Consultant Branding
Ed Borsboom