Our way of working
We 💙 research
Research is the greatest thing there is. But we also understand that research is only a means and not an end. That's why we start with an open conversation about the client's challenge(s): what's preventing them from growing? And: how will our research help them grow anyway? Our approach focuses on the client's marketing and organizational goals. We always organize workshops to work with the insights. Everything is aimed at helping to grow.
Only the best is good enough
"The best" research, then, is the research that helps clients achieve its goals. To make that happen, our consultants design a plan of action that combines their knowledge of the client's market and context with the possibilities offered by the smartest tools and techniques in market research. In this, we draw inspiration from scientific insights and business instinct. Our consultants design activation workshops so that the client can proceed immediately.
Growing through collaboration
We keep our eyes on the goal (Marc Lammers: losers have an excuse, winners have a plan) We embrace innovation (once you stop learning, you start dying - Einstein) We are fearless tacklers (pippi) We bring out the best in each other (Simon Sinek) Be smarter, Because we believe things can always be better, smarter or easier.
Our partners & awards
