
Customers often find financial matters such as banking, mortgages and insurance boring, unclear and a necessary evil. Customers are more empowered than ever and also demand simplicity and transparency.

Confidence in financial services companies such as banks, mortgage lenders and insurers is historically low. Developments in the financial sector have caused takeovers, mergers, "bad press" and even bankruptcies. In addition, stricter laws and regulations are putting financials in a difficult position.

Marketers struggle with the negative image of the industry and also with the often somewhat unwieldy organization behind them. Players within the financial services industry need to pay more attention to customer relationships in order to provide the best service.

These changing times within the financial sector call for new communication strategies. Blauw knows what's going on when it comes to the changing relationship between banks and insurers, the Financial Services Act, new distribution channels, demonstrating added value and increasingly "better" informed consumers.

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Market research for the financial sector

  • Get feedback from your customers during product development? - Product Development Research
  • Find out to what extent customers think your services and products are worthwhile - Customer Experience Research
  • Want insight into how your organization and your competitors are perceived as a brand by advisors and how this is evolving? - Mortgage Lenders Image Blueprint
  • Want to know what image both potential and recent closers have of the mortgage market? - Mortgage Distribution Image Blueprint

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