Stakeholder and reputation research
Strategically anticipate major societal transitions?
Society is on the move. Think for example of the climate and energy transition, technological developments and the tight labor market. Do you wonder how your organization should deal with this? What is expected of you by stakeholders? How can you successfully implement stakeholder management within all these changes and safeguard your reputation?

Stakeholder research provides direction
Stakeholders affect the success of your organization. Therefore, it is important to periodically examine the stakeholder relationship. Especially at a time when social developments call for great urgency to make strategic choices. Our experts are happy to discuss this with your stakeholders. We map out how you can improve your stakeholder management and reputation.
Blauw engages in conversation
If you want to work with your stakeholder management and reputation, it is essential to listen to your stakeholders. They can tell you what image they have of your organization and how they experience the (cooperative) relationship. They can give feedback on the role your organization plays in urgent issues and social transitions. Or on the way your organization communicates and profiles itself.
Of course you can start the conversation yourself. But will the stakeholder show the back of his tongue? Will you be able to deal with any critical notes that are cracked in an open and neutral way? Our Blauw experts are perfectly capable of conducting the conversation for you. Even with 'heavyweights' who have a clear impact on opinions in the Umfelt and are decisive in our society.
Results through cooperation
Stakeholder research requires partnership and a high level of commitment. After all, you are embarking on a journey that will determine the future of your organization. From the start of the project to its completion, we need each other. Sharing knowledge, creating support, giving each other feedback and brainstorming at appropriate moments. We put together a project team with the Blauw experts and directly involved colleagues from the client side.
What it delivers:
- An in-depth analysis of the reputation and stakeholder relationship, with an overview of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
- Concrete tools to further implement proactive stakeholder management
- Clarity about reputation and opportunities to improve it
- Understanding the expectations stakeholders have of your organization, for example with respect to societal transitions
- Understanding the interfaces where stakeholders want (more) cooperation
- Starting points for improving external communication (on content and means)
Would you like to engage with your stakeholders, but not sure how to go about it?
In our white paper, we provide five tips for conducting good stakeholder research .
Stakeholder and reputation research
Wondering how we set up stakeholder research for your organization?