Panel research is great for conducting research among a representative group. This can be your own customers, but also certain group that we select for you.

Panel research is used as a term for a survey of a specific target group, for example, consumers or businesses. It usually refers to a survey through a database (a panel), where "people" (in the broad sense...) sign up to participate in online surveys. Participants receive invitations to surveys and receive compensation if they participate.
We do not manage our own panel but use several external panel managers. In consultation we ensure that the panel is formed by a representative group for your research.
It can be interesting to do a panel survey several times during the year. If you collect data more often, you can start making comparisons, for example, about a change in attitude or familiarity with a particular product or service. If you make adjustments during that year, you can see what the results are.
Panel survey
Panel survey
Getting started with panel research?