Concept cocreation

Concept cocreation

Are you looking for creative concept ideas for customer needs?

Concept Creation is the phase in which you know what problem you want to solve for your client, but don't yet know how. Blauw uses concept testing to help you enter the creative design process in a structured manner. At the end of the concept creation phase you will have developed concepts that are ready to be tested. Read more about the methods we use for this purpose below.

Concept cocreation Blauw Research
Concept cocreation

Gaining insight into market opportunities

When you are already one stage further along and want to investigate the market opportunities of a new(er) product or service it often revolves around research questions such as:

  • How can the proposition be further honed to increase the likelihood of success?
  • Is there enough willingness to pay within my target audience to make the proposition viable

Learn more about market potential research or portfolio research.

Concept cocreation

Want to know more about testing your concept ideas?

Binne Heida
Business Lead Product Development
Binne Heida