
CO-LAB: Concept Co-creation

CO-LAB: Concept Co-creation

During the ideation phase, be inspired by analysis on social, trends and crowdfunding. Get together with creative innovators and translate this inspiration into concrete ideas and develop them. After a final round of feedback, they are ready for the next step.

CO-LAB Concept Co-creation Blue Research
CO-LAB: Concept Co-creation

What is CO-LAB?

Our innovative online platform CO-LAB is a source of ideas, feedback, insights and inspiration. From charging station to meat substitute. During the ideation phase, we collect as many ideas as possible. Together with you, we merge the ideas in a pressure cooker and elaborate them using the needs-promises-prove model. The refined ideas are presented back in CO-LAB: participants give feedback on which parts they are enthusiastic about and which parts can be improved. In this way we work step by step towards the most promising product.

Carefully selected participants

We hand-select CO-LAB participants based on the quality of their substantive contribution in an assessment. They are predominantly innovators and early adopters.

Creative Cocktail of Work Forms

Using 36 creative techniques, we challenge our participants to collaborate on your product innovation.

Social listening, trending and crowdfunding deep-dive

With each CO-LAB process, we consult more sources for inspiration. This creates a rich picture of trends and developments.

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CO-LAB: Concept Co-creation

Getting started with Co-Lab?

Binne Heida
Business Lead Product Development
Binne Heida