Product Development

Philips shavers: which benefits do you bet on?

Philips has a wide range of electric shavers. These focus on claims made by the brand, for example, skin sensitivity or a clean-shaven face. In order to maintain and further expand Philips' position, the portfolio must remain aligned with consumer perceptions. Blauw was engaged to conduct an international survey in order to identify what shavers value and what they do not.


Measuring value of a product through conjunct research

Consumers do not always say what they do or do what they say, especially with regard to (reading) prices and claims. Given Philips' research question and purpose, we used the conjunct method to implicitly measure which aspects of a product have value to consumers in six countries, namely France, Germany, the United States, Korea, Japan and China. In each case, respondents had to choose between razors with varying price and packaging claims.


In this way, we measured how many dollars people are willing to pay extra for specific product features. This research shows Philips how best to build the portfolio to increase market share.


Segmentation gives you insight into your target market(s)

The conjunct results clearly revealed segments. These are homogeneous groups of people with the same preferences. Classifying customers based on needs:

  • Helps you use marketing more effectively
  • Teaches you to know the market better
  • Lets you discover what your target audience wants to hear and how to touch that emotion

It turned out that different segments feel addressed by different claims. These are immensely valuable insights for Philips, as it allows them to know exactly where to emphasize during their marketing campaigns in order to hit consumers.


Translating the results into a new marketing strategy

To ensure that the results come to life immediately on the shop floor, we presented the results to the entire Philips marketing team. During the interactive workshop that followed, we jointly reviewed the various scenarios in the market simulator. With the simulator Philips can simulate how many people will choose a product. We collect data once, but with this tool you can calculate endlessly.

Participants all responded incredibly enthusiastically to the results of the research. Already during the session, the first steps were taken to adjust the marketing strategy. All these concrete results are helping Philips determine the right direction for its portfolio of razors. Moreover, they now know how to communicate the claims and how this comes across best to consumers.

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