Branding & Communication

Incentro: after brand awareness work on brand growth

When you hear the name "Incentro," it probably rings a bell somewhere. Their radio commercial was unmissable on Radio 1 and BNR. It won Incentro a Loden Radioleeuw and that was exactly what Incentro wanted. Well, maybe not that prize, but it gave the IT company a mountain of brand awareness in one fell swoop.


Known makes loved

After working on their brand awareness with campaigns, it was time to take the next step to work on their brand growth. The make-believe approach with which Incentro worked on their brand awareness fits perfectly with Byron Sharp's How Brands Grow philosophy. According to Sharp, you achieve brand growth by standing out and making people think of you at as many moments/situations as possible. Incentro was very good at getting noticed.


Claim the moments when your brand is remembered

Blauw partnered with Incentro to work on the brand's "category entry points" (CEPs). The situations in which people should think of the brand. These moments are not about the why, but rather the tangible where, when, what and with whom. The more business decision makers link relevant category entry points to Incentro, the stronger the brand.


The How Brands Grow approach translated into practice

Within the How Brands Grow research there are different stages: a qualitative study, followed by a quantitative assessment, a brand tracker where you map CEPs on a structural basis after an 0 measurement. Anything is possible, depending on requirements and budget.

Internal session: inside - out

In a session with account managers, we inventoried a list of situations in which potential customers should ideally think of Incentro.


Group discussions: outside - In

In two sessions with (potential) customers we talked about the realization of substantial ICT projects. Especially the conversations with customers gave Incentro valuable insights.

Getting started with your brand growth yourself?

Each client, each type of organization and each industry requires a customized approach. Would you like to know more about the different working methods and the right pace that suits your organization? Read more about our approach here

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