Research Community: really understanding what concerns the Etos customer
Etos customers have a high level of involvement in all kinds of topics related to personal care. Via the Jij & Etos community, they give their opinion on the wide range of topics that are involved. They participate in discussions about the direction Etos should take here. And perhaps even more valuable: they themselves suggest many more topics that they believe deserve Etos' attention.

We have brought together over 200 women who are Etos customers in the community Jij & Etos. Here we offer them a platform to talk to each other and to Etos. Every week we present them with an Etos issue. (Pre)testing commercials, advertisements and brochures, the ideal layout of different shelves, testing new products, co-creating loyalty campaigns, it is just a small selection of the different topics we deal with these Etos customers.
But this community for Etos is anything but one-sided. We also let the ladies create their own topics. This ensures that Etos can really understand and respond to the concerns of its customers. By following the conversations of these women it becomes clear which topics are relevant to them and therefore where there are special opportunities for Etos.
What has been accomplished with the Research Community?
Since the launch of You & Etos, input from community members has been overwhelming. This is reflected in, among other things:
- more than 600 topics
- more than 900 challenge entries
- more than 30,000 forum responses
- top 10 users average 23 minutes a day online
All this input has given Etos tremendous insights, which have been shared in the following forms, among others:
- over 85 questions from Etos were answered in the form of clear onepagers
- bottom-up insights from the community are compiled quarterly in inspiring glossy magazines
- and even worked out a shopper segmentation based on the community
Want to know more about our community surveys? Read more here
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