How can autodrop candy stand out on the chaotic store shelf?
Family-owned Concorp is a confectionery specialist with more than 50 years of experience in confectionery. Concorp has an extensive brand portfolio that includes: Fisherman's Friend, Skittles ánd Autodrop. For this research, the focus is on the latter brand. Autodrop consists of licorice and candy in the shape of cars in a resealable box. Their slogan is a true classic: Autodrop, so delicious it should be banned.

Understanding consumer attitudes and behaviors toward Autodrop and evaluations of different materials
The candy category, and with it the Autodrop brand, faces a number of challenges. The category is characterized by high impulse sensitivity, in which Autodrop is certainly no exception. The Cadillacs is the best-selling candy in the Netherlands and they want to build on that.
To remain relevant, Autodrop wants insight into:
- The perception of the brand
- Optimization of assortment and packaging
- Improving store shelf presentation from a consumer perception perspective
To gain insight into this broad issue, qualitative research was conducted in the form of two group discussions in which users and non/light users of Autodrop participated. A group discussion offers the opportunity to discuss a wide range of topics and to reflect together on brand improvements (packaging, propositions).
As a follow-up to the qualitative research, we conducted an agile concept test of two packaging designs via SPRINT's research tool. This quantitative survey of 200 consumers provided an opportunity to support the argument from the qualitative research with figures.
Method: qualitative research among two focus groups
Focus groups are the ideal method for exploring this broad issue:
- A focus group is well suited to cover many topics and to test and optimize new ideas.
- A group offers the opportunity to engage with consumers for a longer period of time to discuss more topics.
- The group dynamic provides ample space for individual opinions to be expressed and explored with each other.
- As a result, new responses emerge which provides a diversity of insights.
The following topics were discussed during the group discussions:
Brand Assets - which brand elements (such as logo and slogan) do respondents recognize and which brand attributes are unique to Autodrop. This provides insight into which elements Autodrop should retain.
Photosort - The next step is to discuss the imagery surrounding the Autodrop brand.
Natural grouping - To fully understand how people view the category, you can have the focus groups categorize a number of (candy) products into groups. This helps gain insights into how consumers position different types of products relative to each other and within the umbrella and how they structure the market/category. This provides argumentation to base a vision for the store shelf on.
Packaging design evaluation - Candy is mostly an impulse purchase and competition is fierce. Therefore, it is very important that the design (and logo) is striking, but especially striking within the shelf context. We evaluate this by means of shelf simulations in which the packaging is placed in the appropriate umfeld.
This research gives Concorp tools to distinguish itself from the competition with the Autodrop design and to stand out on the chaotic store shelf.
Quantitative validation within 24 hours
To validate that the outcomes of the group discussions were representative of the Dutch public, a packaging test was then conducted. SPRINT 's Agile research tool makes it possible to conduct packaging tests among Dutch audiences within 24 hours. In the test, the designs were tested among a broader target group for:
- Attractiveness
- Distinctiveness
- Credibility
- Appropriateness at Autodrop
- Purchase Intent
- Points of improvement
- Expectation of success
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