User Experience Research in an online research community? Aon does it!
Aon advises corporate clients on health, risk and retirement solutions. Blauw created an online research community for Aon in 2020, consisting of 200 corporate Aon clients. Through this community, Aon can submit various issues to improve its services. But the community is also an ideal way to qualitatively research the user experience (UX) of Aon customers. How did this UX research work?

Recently, Aon launched the platform Samen voor de Zaak in cooperation with the Dutch Wholesale Trade Association (NVG). On it, wholesale companies can find general and industry-specific information and solutions ranging from topics such as liability, mobility, cyber help and health solutions. The platform bundles the knowledge of Aon and its partners in one central location.
Aon wants to embed customer-centricity (even) more into the organization and thus optimize the user experience. In order to ensure that the new platform meets the wishes and needs of the target group, Aon wants to know what current clients think of the idea and of the platform. Blauw Research engaged the Aon community to investigate these questions.
Qualitative UX research
In an online qualitative questionnaire, we presented customers with different web pages. Among other things, we asked about the first reaction to a page, what customers do/don't like and what they find clear about the pages. The customers' feedback clearly showed which areas of improvement the web pages had and, above all, why they thought that. Customers also gave extensive insight into their experience of the design, the structure and the added value of the platform.
What did the customer panel UX research yield for Aon?
Thanks to the survey, Aon received valuable qualitative insights into their own customers' user experience. The insights focused both on the design of the platform, but customers also shared ideas about the content of the website. Based on the feedback, Aon has optimized the current platform and can very concretely optimize the platform to better meet the needs and wants of its customers.
What else can you do with a community?
Your own online community can help an organization become more customer-oriented. You can regularly ask for customer feedback, which you can use to improve your services. On the one hand, you can get numerical insights, for example to what extent a customer experience was positive or not, but on the other hand, you can also receive in-depth insights about which points you can specifically improve. A community can also have a positive influence on the user experience. For example, you can ask targeted and in-depth questions about (digital) concepts, such as website pages. Based on the feedback and points for improvement you can make your concept/design so customer-oriented that your customers will have a pleasant experience and your goal will be achieved.
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User Experience
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