Brand Research

Find out what image your target audience has of your organization, brand, product or service.

Conducting a brand research helps you determine the health of your brand. We measure purposefully and you get very practical output and advice to achieve brand growth and improve brand performance.

Brand research Blauw Research
Brand Research

Improve brand performance with brand research

In our brand research we assume actual behavior. A product is bought and then we ask questions about the brand and what people think of the product. That way, people can answer questions much better and more focused, and so we can better measure brand perception.

Mapping unconscious choices: the Byron Sharp way

This method of monitoring brand growth aligns with Byron Sharp's vision of How Brands Grow, and we assume the following insights:

  • The biggest growth is achieved by attracting more "non and light category users. So target all the people who ever buy something from your product category.
  • Stand out and make consumers think of your brand or product or come across it when it is relevant.
  • Make your brand "easy to buy," and be omnipresent. After all, known makes loved.
  • Create optimal physical availability. Ensure that consumers do not experience any barrier when they want to buy your brand.
  • Ensure brand recognition through distinctive brand elements, such as the color of your logo.
  • Map out the situations in which consumers ideally might or should think of your brand.

We use implicit metrics instead of rational metrics for consumer behavior. Previously, people were given image ratings where they could state in a deliberate way whether they felt, for example, that a brand suited them.

Our measurement method exposes our intuitive, more unconscious thinking. In this regard, a time indicator is a new element. The faster the consumer is able to link two things together, the stronger the link in the brain is. The faster you respond, the stronger link in the brain, the stronger the memory structure around a brand is; the better your brand performance.

Whitepaper How Brands Grow

We wrote a whitepaper about our How Brands Grow approach in brand research. Download our whitepaper and find out how to get more consumers thinking about your brand at more times.

Do you also want to improve your brand performance?

Ed Borsboom
Marketing & Sales Consultant Branding
Ed Borsboom