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Information Customer Experience Benchmark

Information Customer Experience Benchmark

Information Customer Experience Benchmark

The Customer Experience Benchmark infographics are based on an online survey of employees of organizations in the Netherlands in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021. With a mix of participants from large, medium and smaller companies (sole proprietorships excluded), 11 different sectors and different types of employees who can give an opinion on customer experience in their organization, we are able to draw broad-based conclusions about the status of customer experience.

Number of respondents in 2021: 474

Through representative B2B panel: 409

Through own channels Blauw : 65

Design of this study

The questions in this study are inspired by several recent books and models on the topic of customer experience, such as Temkin Group's CX Maturity study in the U.S., and our own years of experience with customer relationship processes in various industries. The Customer Experience Benchmark questionnaire consists of 18 closed questions and 4 open-ended questions.

Analysis of outcomes

After the fieldwork was completed, the data file that was built up was checked for completeness and consistency and made suitable for statistical analysis. To determine the maturity stage for each organization, we used a calculation of the scores on 11 statements on different components of customer centricity. For the analysis, we used breakdowns by measurement, sector, size and maturity of organization, among others.

Information Customer Experience Benchmark
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