Campaign research

Campaign research

A campaign study or campaign impact study reveals the effect and impact of a campaign.

You will get answers to questions such as:

  • What is the effect of the campaign on brand and behavior
  • How did consumers experience and rate the campaign
  • Where are opportunities to make the next campaign more effective to ensure that your brand grows faster
Campaign research Blauw Research
Campaign research

At what point do you conduct campaign research?

Understanding the (potential) success of a campaign can be relevant both before and after launch. We therefore conduct campaign research at different stages of the development process, but always advise our clients to optimize campaigns using pre-tests.

After all, in the pre-test phase it is still possible to optimize the campaign based on the research results so that as many conditions for effective communication as possible are met. Depending on the objective and possibilities, there are different ways to (pre-)test a campaign. Here we normally do not use a standard set of KPIs, but connect as much as possible to the specific communication objectives of the advertiser.

Qualitative or quantitative research?

Whether we do qualitative or quantitative campaign research, we always pay attention to implicit measurement methods and map out whether the campaign evokes the desired emotions, and conveys the right message. What the effect will be or has been on brand image we map out with an implicit association test, revealing both conscious and more unconscious effects

Thanks to our face reading tool, for television commercials we can even understand at scene level what emotions the commercial evokes. We also have specially developed questionnaire techniques for print ads that allow campaign expressions to be evaluated at the detail level and thus optimized.

Read more in the white paper Boost your brand with impactful creation

Wondering how we help you with campaign research?

Dori van Rosmalen
Research Consultant Communications
Dori van Rosmalen