DBA Power Program

DBA Power Program

What are the dynamics behind DBA performance? Empower yourself with steering information competitors don't have.

DBA Power Program Blue Research
DBA Power Program

You know which distinctive brand assets make your brand stand out and with what desired effect. This reinforces the buying behavior of your brand from buyers in your category, even over longer periods of time.

But to what extent do your efforts work through to effect? And are there hijackers on the coast copying you perhaps?

Of course, you want to know what the dynamics are behind the DBA performance so you can add gas or apply the brakes in time.

Measuring twice a year over a two-year period, for example, provides peace of mind. The frequency depends in part on the development of your brand and your market.

Strategic brand asset management has dynamics over time because buyers, competitors and context change.

Whitepaper Boost your brand with Distinctive Brand Assets

To boost your brand recognition and also brand strength, we have the DBA Benchmark. Read more about it now in our whitepaper:

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Ed Borsboom
Marketing & Sales Consultant Branding
Ed Borsboom