DBA Benchmark

DBA Benchmark

How can you boost your brand recognition and also brand strength? To this end, we have developed the DBA Benchmark that also works to your advantage.

dba benchmark Blauw Research
DBA Benchmark

DBA research using only implicit research methods

Our DBA Benchmark was born out of Byron Sharp's market philosophy, combined with our own years of research experience and knowledge. Vor DBA research, we use only implicit research methods, which are consistent with the work of behavioral psychologist Daniel Kahneman. Kahneman substantiates that our human behavior is primarily (95%) the result of unconscious routines and automatisms, or System 1 processes.

Using implicit measurement methods, we test DBAs at the unconscious behavioral level of consumers. This gives more spontaneous and valuable results than using answers that people had to consciously think about, or System 2 processes.

With our DBA Benchmark you will discover how striking and distinctive your assets are and whether they really score higher than those of the competition. But also which assets do not deserve attention, and which may be further developed to grow the brand.

Whitepaper Boost your brand with Distinctive Brand Assets

To boost your brand recognition and also brand strength, we have the DBA Benchmark. Read more about it now in our whitepaper:

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Want to know more about our DBA Benchmark?

Ed Borsboom
Marketing & Sales Consultant Branding
Ed Borsboom