Community research

Continuous Community

Continuous Community

A continuous community is the ideal tool to get input for urgent decisions, even within 24 hours if needed, while staying in constant contact with your target audience. By continuously "listening" to what your target audience is saying, you gain insight into what moves them and what topics are relevant to your audience.

Continuous Community Blue Research
Continuous Community

You'll regularly be surprised by the "bycatch": your target audience will bring up topics you hadn't thought of yourself. In addition, with a long-term community, you will always have access to your target group for your (current) questions.

Continuous communities are characterized by:

  • a manageable number of members, but differ in terms of application
  • different issues are plotted in it every week.

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Continuous Community

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Frederieke van Leeuwen
Business Lead Marketing Strategy
Frederieke van Leeuwen