Business services

The business services industry is comprehensive. It consists of financial business service providers such as tax offices and accountants, but it also includes advertising agencies and travel agencies. But despite the many differences, there is also an important similarity: to grow as an organization, you have to make the right decisions.

As a B2B organization, you want to know what innovations you need to implement to strengthen your market position. With our surveys, we give you insights to strengthen your market position

For that, research is essential. As a full service market research firm, we offer various forms of research that are relevant in the B2B market.

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Business services

Clear positioning can make all the difference within business services.

  • Want to know your organization's position in the market? - Positioning research
  • What are your target audience's wants and needs and how do they perceive your products and services? - Needs assessment
  • Does your new product/service connect with your target audience?
  • What developments are occurring in your industry?

Even in business services, the customer is becoming more and more central to the organization.

  • How do you properly align your services with customer needs and ensure satisfied and loyal customers? - Customer Experience research

Are you a business service provider and want to conduct research into (potential) markets or customers? Blauw has extensive experience in this area.

Do you also want to do research in business services?

 Jos Vink