Want to really understand your customer behavior and needs? Get in touch with me!

Frederieke van Leeuwen
Business Lead Marketing Strategy

Whitepaper 'Structural success from consumer insight'

Our recent study of B2C Marketing and Sales professionals* shows that up-to-date consumer insight is critical to growth. Find out why: it enables you to make informed decisions and grow your brand.

Unfortunately, many brands have to make do with dated and incomplete data. Uncertainty leads to doubt in making strategic choices, discussion about the direction to take, and difficulty in convincing stakeholders.

Think about your own brand and whether you have sufficient current understanding of: 

  • The rejuvenation of target groups
  • The shift from offline to online shopping
  • Increasing demand for personal relevance

We have incorporated the insights from our research into the white paper "Structural success from consumer insight. In it we highlight the need for up-to-date insight into consumer behavior and needs. And the pros and cons of the various data sources that provide access to this.   

How best to identify changes in consumer behavior and needs varies, of course, by brand and category.

* Survey conducted by Blauw among n=99 B2C sales and marketing managers working in companies with at least 50 employees

Read more in the white paper "Structural success from consumer insight



Want to really understand your customer behavior and needs? Get in touch with me!

Frederieke van Leeuwen
Business Lead Marketing Strategy
Frederieke van Leeuwen