Millennials or Generation Y, how can you reach them?
Millennials... everyone is talking about them! Of course, the term is not new, but it really seems to be a hot topic now. It is a target group that we at Blauw regularly research and that continues to fascinate me.

Does the prototype millennial exist?
As a millennial myself, research focusing on the promising Generation Y gets my heart racing. Will I see similarities to my own life, burdens and joys? Or am I the exception that proves the rule. One thing is certain; the prototype millennial does not exist.
People need to think in boxes. So who fits within the "millennial" pigeonhole? There is a stereotypical image of extroverted and successful hipsters and fitgirls for whom every day should be a party and for whom the number of likes is bliss #selfie #goals.
So what is true of this image?
The facts: millennials are men and women (and everything in between) born between 1980 and 2000. Lots of telling numbers, because how can you compare a 20-year-old college student still living at home with parents and a 35-year-old part-timer with 2 children. At first glance, the differences seem greater than the similarities. Meanwhile, I have adjusted my stereotype. The standard millennial does not exist. It is precisely the diversity in persons and characters that should be embraced!
What both the 20-year-old and the 35-year-old have in common is that they have grown up in a world in which more and more is possible. Boundaries have blurred when we consider, for example, looks, clothing, cultures and jobs. At the same time, this blurring of boundaries creates a need for footing. When everything is allowed and possible, what standards and values must still be adhered to?
This raises questions (and a thirty-something dilemma) such as: what do you want out of life? When are you doing it right? A trend that has led to one of the biggest commonalities among many millennials: uncertainty. Millennials are looking for direction in their lives, direction they like to seek from their friends, family and from brands.
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