Is your product millennial proof?
Observing, people-watching, who doesn't love it? To make a visit to the supermarket a pleasure rather than a necessity, I enjoy studying my fellow shoppers.

The orientation and decision process of consumers.
Studying fellow shoppers is also useful; it provides me with a lot of context for the many studies I do on Consumer Products. What is bought, where is it looked at, what path is taken. You name it.
I myself am a premium brand lover with a weakness for seductive design. I would like to believe that by choosing the right brand, I can rise above my average cooking skills and develop myself into a full-fledged kitchen princess. In short: emotion is what I want!
What choices are made in the supermarket?
I am therefore surprised to see more and more of my millennial peers in the supermarket making informed choices based on the back of a package. Something we also hear a lot during research among this target group. Why is that?
Made wise by scandals and information, marketing is increasingly seen as a conduit. In addition, the focus on appearance and feeling good creates the desire (or pressure) to put health more first. As a result, greater attention is paid to ingredients and nutritional values. E-numbers, salt, sugar and carbohydrates are out of the question. Calories are allowed, if moderated.
This raises the question for some brands: do I still have a right to exist? Yes! Because although awareness is on the rise, fortunately, enjoyment is still the core requirement for a successful meal. Some more than others: #cheatday!
Marketing Strategy
A strong and future-proof marketing strategy puts the consumer at the center. Increase your success from understanding consumer behavior and needs within your category
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