Want to know more about Gen Z research? Ask Frederieke

Frederieke van Leeuwen
Business Lead Marketing Strategy

Explosive growth thanks to Gen Z

Many brands fear losing relevance as Gen Z matures. Over the past year, we've done intensive research on this target group. Our conclusion? Gen Z offers brands a unique opportunity to grow.

Growth with Gen z

Healthy dose of criticism and skepticism are the best medicine for marketing bullshit  

Gen Z often gets a negative stigma in the media. Gen Z is:  

  1. Lazy: convenience is central to everything this generation does and demands.  
  1. Impatient: solutions must be available at the touch of a button in no time.  
  1. Skeptical: benefits are believed only when they are demonstrable and demonstrated.  
  1. Greedy: rewards are not a bonus, but a minimum for this generation.  
  1. Socially inept: off-screen, Gen Z doesn't know how to handle human contact.  

But is this picture accurate? Let's face it: it is unfair to lump an entire generation together. Age is just a number. The truth is much more nuanced. To understand Gen Z, you must always understand the context in which needs and behaviors emerge.  

And suppose Gen Z has all these traits, I don't see that as a negative thing. In fact, these traits make Gen Z a discerning consumer who picks right through marketing bullshit. Without friction, there is no shine. Their criticism and skepticism help brands, products and services (re)find and bring out the best in themselves.  

Five core needs to address as a brand

Okay, Gen Z is critical, but on what? Five core needs emerge from our surveys:

  1. Clarity: be transparent and unambiguous in what you do, say and promise. Avoid vague promises and unclear terms.
  1. Development: show ambition and embrace innovation. Standing still is going backwards.
  1. Ownership: solve problems such as environmental issues and social acceptance of minorities at the source. Make Gen Z feel good about the choices they make.  
  1. Authenticity: be outspoken and consistent in what the brand stands for. Communicate with Gen Z and not as Gen Z. Stay true to the history and identity of the brand.  
  1. Pragmatism: offer ultimate convenience. For Gen Z, this means personalization: make Gen Z feel understood and acknowledged.

Prepare your brand for the future with Gen Z

The organization I have seen respond best to these core needs dared to openly question their right to exist. That courage caused them to take action and ask Gen Z for critical feedback. Are you showing that courage, too? Prepare your brand for the future and grow explosively with Gen Z!



Want to know more about Gen Z research? Ask Frederieke

Frederieke van Leeuwen
Business Lead Marketing Strategy
Frederieke van Leeuwen