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Privacy Statement Blauw Research

Privacy Statement Blauw Research

Privacy Statement Blauw Research

Who is Blauw Research?

Blauw Research is a Dutch Market Research company located at Coolsingel 55, 3012AB in Rotterdam. Blauw was founded in 1993 and has been translating consumer opinions into advice for clients for over 25 years. This enables them to better attune their products and services to the wishes of consumers and clients. Blauw is a member of the MarktOnderzoekAssociatie (MOA), a trade association that promotes the interests of respondents, users and providers of market research. We process personal data of (former) customers or prospects (hereinafter referred to as "Customer(s)") and personal data of participants in market research (hereinafter referred to as "Respondent(s)"). For readability, this privacy statement is divided into separate sections for these two groups.

Information for Respondents

We are a market research company and process your personal data for the purpose of conducting market research. We work on behalf of our clients and often they have passed on your data to us and asked us to invite you for market research. When we invite you for research we will inform you of the purpose of the research, and upon request, who our client is. Thus, you can always check with them whether they were allowed to share your data with us. Our principals are responsible for the lawful processing of your data. The General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) allows your data to be used for statistical purposes, even if your data was collected for another purpose. We may therefore use your data for market research even if you have not given your explicit consent to do so. Participation in our studies is completely voluntary. You decide whether you want to participate.

We use your personal data when processing your responses for statistical purposes. For example, to determine whether young people have different opinions than older people, or to analyze whether there are differences between people living in the city and those living outside it. We do not collect more data than necessary for the purpose of the research. We do not process your data in identifiable form for longer than necessary to conduct the study. We never report on you as an individual with identifiable data unless you have given us unambiguous consent to do so. When we ask for that consent, we will tell you to whom and for what purpose we transfer the data. We have extensive technical and organizational measures in place to prevent unauthorized use of your data. Your answers and personal data are used solely for the purpose of research activities and therefore not to sell or send you anything. Upon completion of the research, your personal data will be deleted as soon as possible and at the latest within six months.

Young people under 16 are not directly approached by Blauw Research to participate in research. If any research specifically targets adolescents or children under 16, we approach them through their parents or guardians.

Information for Customers

We process your personal data for our own marketing purposes. Marketing activities that fall under this purpose consist of commercial and informative e-mail messages such as newsletters, white papers, invitations to events we organize and information about products and services offered by us that you might be interested in. We collect only the data necessary to achieve the above purpose. When collecting your data, you agree to our terms and conditions and give us permission to use it for the above purpose. We collect the data directly from you, the data subject, or you authorize us to receive it. The data we process from you is not such that further pseudonymization or anonymization is possible without preventing its use for the above purpose. We do not apply automated decision-making or profiling to your data. Your data will be stored and used for the above-mentioned purpose until you indicate that we may no longer use your data for this purpose. To do so, you can use the unsubscribe option in the emails we send or contact us at the email address listed below. We use marketing automation software and store your data within it in data centers within and outside the EU. You have the right to access and correct the data we process about you. You can do this by clicking here or navigating to You also have the right to request that we delete your data. To do so, click on the "Manage Registration" link in the emails you receive from us or send an email to the email address listed below.

When the company you work for purchases products or services from us in which you are a participating party, we process your personal data as part of the performance of an agreement. In this case, the processing of your personal data is necessary to provide the products or services. We store your personal data in our project administration system with data centers within the EU and use it for the above purpose for as long as the agreement continues. You have the right to see the data we process about you and have it corrected. You also have the right to request that we delete your data. You can contact us at the email address listed below.

Changes to the privacy statement

We may make changes to this document. For example, when privacy legislation changes. We therefore recommend that you consult this privacy statement regularly.

Contacting Blauw Research

If you have any questions about your privacy please contact us at the email address Our Data Protection Officer will then contact you.

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